Tips for Air Travel with Children

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Tips for Air Travel with Children

Imagine pulling a carry-on with one hand, and pushing the stroller with another, and while you are getting late for the flight, your mobile rings 🙂 You start wondering, is Murphy’s law real or what? We understand, traveling with children is never easy. While we can’t come to help carry the bag while you pick up that phone, we can help with some tips that we have compiled to make your travel easier.

  1. Become a fortune teller, a.k.a Start early:   If you thought you need an hour to reach the airport, make it two hours. Your estimates never work put when  you have kids to get ready also for the travel. Based on the age, expect for unscheduled delays for diaper changing needs, emergency stops for bathroom, or just being hungry at the wrong time. Better be early than sorry!
  2. While you may not cover their mouth, plan to cover the ears:  OK, not exactly, but be ready for air pressure changes especially during take-off and landing. One technique is to keep water bottle handy. Gulping water will help adjust with the suddenly changing pressure during the fast altitude changes.
  3. Do you want wrap or sandwich, umm, I mean sweater: I think by now, we all know that hte earth is round,  but when your head is spinning due to the kids not letting you concentrate to pack, it is easy to forget that the weather could be different in the part of the world you are heading to. You may need (or not need) an extra layer of wrap a.k.a. sweater for the little ones. Do you know those other little ones call ed germs, right? well they love your kids too, and usually like to get a ride along with your kids.
  4. Mommy, I need to go: Speaking of germs, you also know the unexpected call from our kid  ‘to go’ when they are almost ready to board the plane. Oh well, when we have to go, we have to go, so just be careful the kids don’t touch anything in the bathroom that does not need to be. The germs are hiding there, just waiting to get chance to a free ride there too!
  5. Count your luggage (and the kids too): If you have multiple bags, count them, make a list, identify properly with a tie on the handles, and don’t forget to count the kids, remember ‘Home Alone’? We are sure, you haven’t forgotten the most loved  ones home, but we couldn’t resist. Remember, the stressed mind is the worst decision maker, so please … Keep calm, and love traveling!